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From educational robotics to social robotics

Authors are cordially invited to submit papers to be considered for the upcoming edition of REM-Research on Education and Media, Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2017

Leopoldina Fortunato, Universitą degli Studi di Udine
Pier Giuseppe Rossi, Universitą degli Studi di Macerata

Please read the author guidelines   Click here to submit your proposal

Nowadays the debate on educational robotics is topical. But it seems that coding have often been the focus of interest without taking into account that robots do also have a “body”. We, thus, believe that today the debate launched with the seminar  “From educational robotics to Social robotics” at the last EMEM conference run in the September 8, 2016 deserves a special attention.

The focus on social robotics implies the analysis of the range of actions with which robotics is changing our lives (e.g. home automation). A robot is not only code, but has a physical structure, a body with which we interact. Let’s consider, for example, the use of robots in the field of special education.

Finally, how robots are affecting the imaginary dimension? What representations are connected with robots?

The call aims at investigating the social robotics, the imaginary dimension built around its use and, at the school level, the relationship between social robotics and educational robotics.


Authors can submit original and unpublished research articles, which are not under review in any other journal.

Help and contact information: rem@sirem.org


[Ultimo aggiornamento: 15/03/2017 15:44:34]


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From educational robotics to social robotics

Call for papers | Deadline: March 31, 2017 


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